Saturday, June 23, 2018

What is acne?.

According to school of thought,acne is a skin condition characterised by red pimples on the skin,especially on the face,due to inflamed or infected sebaceous glands and prevalent chiefly among adolescents.
  It often causes white heads,blackheads or pimples, and usually appears on the face, chest, back and shoulders.
It is the most common skin condition worldwide.

  Blunt Facts About Acne:
. Acne is a disease. You can't cure a disease with soap and water.
Trying to wash away acne is like trying to cure cancer by taking a shower. Acne starts inside your body. By the time the pimple has surfaced, you're too late.
. Assaulting your skin with a barrage of medicated products severely dries out your skin which only leads to more breakouts. Stop using multi-step acne systems immediately.
You know the products l'm talking about but won't dare mention for fear of lawsuit. They tell you to wash your skin with their medicated cleanser- then apply an alcohol-based toner - finally, they have you pile on another medicated cream.

And if that wasn't punishing your skin enough a few even throw in a clay or sulfur mask just to make sure they suck every last drop of moisture out of your skin.

It's a lot of work and it kills your skin.

We've all tried at least one of these multi-step systems so don't feel bad - the way these systems are marketed make you believe the multi-step approach is the answer to your acne prayers when really they're the devil in disguise.

They're expensive,time consuming, and worst of all turn the top layer of your skin into a graveyard of dead skin cells that will clog your pores and lead to more acne.

. Use a gentle acne cleanser and avoid spot treatment creams altogether.
Don't treat your skin like a grimy bathroom sink by piling on the strongest products you can find. Using maximum strength creams and cleansers to get rid of acne is like using bleach to get rid of bad breath. It's overkill. In fact, some of these cleansers are so strong they burn your skin raw.
. Acne is temporary. Scars last forever. Keep your freakin' hands off your face!
Having acne sucks, but having a scarred up face is worse. That's exactly what can happen if you pick at your acne. Popping your zits is the absolute worst thing you can do. It won't help your acne, and it will leave you with lifelong scars.

Resist the urge. Don't pick, pop, or poke at your acne.
. Stick to the technique that are proven to get rid of acne- which l'll be sharing with you as we progress here, you're going to be surprised when you discover how quickly your acne clears up when you use them.
Stop using herbal remedies  and natural cures.
There was the Chinese acne tincture that smelled horrible and colored my skin orange , homeopathic immune system pills, rubbing egg yolk on my face, and creams made from just about every type of plant extract imaginable. I tried all these.
None of these cures are proven, none of them helped my acne, and some even made it worse!
. Just because it's posted on the internet doesn't  mean it's true. Stop believing everything you read on the internet.

You can leave your comments on the comment box while waiting for the next update. Stay tuned.

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