Friday, June 22, 2018


  Did you know that you can become free from acne? Would you like to learn the truth about getting rid of acne? Would you like to achieve that within few months?.
Let's read on and see how it unfolds.
Let me give you a short story before we proceed.
  ....I'm  just coming back from class,walking back to my room to have my breakfast,I reached the door and noticed that it's half open which is quite unusual because my room mates  traveled,I'm the only one in town. I was hearing whispering voice mixed with sobbing.I wondered what's happening,I gently opened the door ajar,lo and behold,it's my roommate Vivian.
  ...Vivian,what is smelling like a rotten egg in this room? I looked down and saw a small bottle half open in Vivian's hand.She has smeared some on her face. This girl,what is that weird smelling cream you're robbing  on your face?,she continued sobbing and told me that it's raw egg mixed with urine given to her by her sister,that it'll get rid of the acne on her face.
 You like my short story right?. You'll find out whether the weird cream got rid of Vivian's acne.

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