Sunday, June 24, 2018

5 Hard Facts About Getting Rid Of Acne.
. Multi - step Acne Systems Don't work:
Multi-step acne system made up of creams,cleansers ,toners, masks, and sometimes pills we're introduced years ago as a way to suck more money out of people who suffer with acne.
  The infomercials that sell them promise clear skin, but almost always fail to deliver. If you have acne you've likely tried at least one of these "systems", ask yourself, did it work?
   Have you ever met a single person who completely cleared their skin using one of these expensive systems? The answer's probably no.

. Constant Cleansing Doesn't Work:
 Over washing your skin is one of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to get rid of acne.
You don't get acne because of poor hygiene , and you can't wash away acne no matter how hard you try.
The problem with over cleansing is that it dries out your skin and leaves you with a layer of dead skin cells that will clog your pores and make your acne worse!
 For the best result stick to cleansing your skin once a day.
 . Maximum Strength Creams and Cleansers Don't Work:
 You're only abusing your skin if you use maximum strength acne products. Your skin is delicate and these products are way too strong.
 It's like washing a silk shirt with acid. Stop using maximum strength creams and cleansers immediately.

. Holistic Acne Cures And Other Weird Stuff Does'nt Work:
 Some of these are just flat-out bizarre.
I've seen smelly Chinese oil made from roots and herbs that promised to clear your skin.
Self-hypnosis CDs that promised to get rid of acne.
Healers who claimed oily skin was the result of an I'm balance in your body.
One acne website said to rub raw eggs on your face.
 We can go on all day about wachy acne cures, but let's move on.
     What of Accutane?
        You may have heard about the prescription acne drug called Accutane.
It's considered the last resort for acne and comes with a long list of side effects that range from nose bleeds to suicidal depression, severe birth defects, and blindness.
Yes,this stuff can actually make you blind!
The drug companies want you to think Accutane is a cure for acne. It's not! Like most drugs Accutane doesn't cure acne, it only hides the problem as long as you take the drug ( and suffer the side effects).
 As soon as you stop taking the's right back to zit city.
If you're sick of living with acne-fed up with products that don't work as advertised - and want to find out how you can get rid of acne fast,take a minute to read this important message...

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